Week 161_Carcass
A fiction novel by Konstanz Elú
for Instagram stories

Carcass by Konstanz Elú (one of the pseudonyms of the poet Horacio Warpola), can be read from Instagram Stories.
The Obelisco Records label, which will soon launch a series of musicians, poets and sound artists from Querétaro, has decided together with Warpola to explore with this format, which apparently is the first time it is used in digital poetry.
The book is set with urban landscapes and classical music in 8bits.

Horacio Warpola (1982) is the author of the books, Lago Corea (Herring Publishers Mexico), Physics of Chameleons (Editorial Fund of Querétaro), METADRONES (Center of Digital Culture), Sad luck of the flying fish (DaSubstanz-GoldRain-NewHive) , Gestas (Editions El Humo-CONACULTA), 300 verses - for the construction of an organic protocyborg (Editions Neutrinos -Argentina), Reencounters with notable men of Jänko Erwin (Mama Dolores Cartonera) and Electronic Badaud - Anthology of komandroviana poetry (Mantarraya Ediciones ), Carcass -A book for instagram stories (Litra Blank & Obelisco Records). He has appeared in the anthologies Everything hangs on a transparency - Recent Mexican poetry exhibition (Vallejo & Co., Peru), Guasap -15 super-current Mexican poets (La Liga Ediciones, Chile), Music and Musicians Stories (Alba Editorial, Spain ), among other. He has been a Fellow of PECDA and FONCA. You can see more of his work at newhive.com/warpola