Personalized algorithms, towards human evolution
By: Maximiliano Urquiza
Ossicles and sclerites - various (265 12) From bodies of Porifera.
This is perhaps an extremely radical historical period for anthropology (and other areas of study), where the social transformation of its individuals is so great that it can even be seen literally. Individuals are no longer the same, thanks to new technological practices we are increasingly immersed in a complex labyrinth of uncertainties and abuses, abuses to which we give our consent.
Looking at it in a particularly cold way, we are receiving military technology in exchange for our privacy. Much of this technology is sold to us as the most advanced and at the same time as an act of shared discovery that, ironically, points to an apparent general welfare.
The issue of privacy is often discussed as a matter of marketing, where personal information is sold for market studies of different companies. Certainly, this is part of a much more complex game. The controversy over privacy is, surely, the tip of the iceberg of much more absurd practices where, more than the study of likes, espionage and experimentation abounds through supposed commercial services.
However, this is not a test of criticism towards those who steal our information, but the search for the possibility of an evolutionary displacement of individuals from the complexity of the global digital spectrum that covers us.
Immersive generations
The current condition is not, essentially, a generational problem. It is not that we are tied to a device, it is not that the increasingly digital generations lose the virtues of living day to day with the passion of previous generations, it is not that the sense of responsibility of what we do is lost, what we consume and what we want. In fact, I think that modern society, understood from Durkheim - speaking of the dissolution of morals, the decomposition of morality, the death of traditions and the rising individualism - has a more critical sense towards its own individuality.
The development of technological tools is historically a military priority that, after decades, become marketable.
We are currently at a point where many of the latest technologies are not being planned solely for a war, a space race or similar, but rather we are offered to the inhabitants of the world in the form of services to improve social interaction. Services with little transparency compared to what is intended with this.
This is where the development of custom algorithms comes in, all that technology almost entirely digital, designed to ridiculously exacerbate each one's ideals to get the most out of those who monetize those databases. As is done in farms and slaughterhouses, overfeeding and experimenting with animals to make them as big and profitable as possible.
Massive conditioning and the disappearance of human-machine differences
Without falling into conspiratorial extremism, custom algorithms are a powerful mass conditioning strategy and the secret of their power lies in their autonomy, which is increasingly complex and independent. The immediate future of this immersion is clear: the disappearance of human psychological traits, justice, freedom and truth. This type of algorithms, based on information, are essentially like those artificial intelligence algorithms that seek to replicate humanity and its features, since its primary work consists of real-time learning and reconfiguration, and it is precisely this way that organism begins its existence as such. The self-sufficiency of a programmed system is the pillar of the future.
Nowadays it is not difficult to imagine that a purely "artificial" machine can replicate complex mental processes of a person, such as feelings, since they are biological functions that can be understood and, therefore, programmed. Thus, it is possible to understand human psychology while it becomes possible to replicate it, and so much is the potential of these possibilities that can be manipulated to generate new mechanisms of power.
A power that takes advantage of this understanding in two senses: for the manipulation of populations, how it is logically human, and for the expansion of one's own body, a body that ends up becoming a cyborg and, consequently, a complete artificial automaton.
The new human
The cyborg is no more than a step that triggers the new human being, a complete digital automaton. An intelligence created by the hand of today's man, whose capacities are massively extended in contrast to our current capacities. A cyborg that ends up completely modifying his corporality.
So, the paradigm of evolution is broken from 3 aspects:
• From the anthropological aspect: where sociologists like Marx and Durkheim have defined as modern society, after 100 thousand years of Homo sapiens, where they begin to find the bases to define a new human evolutionary link.
• From the biological aspect: the point where the extension and replication of the body from technology, acquire a dimension where individuals like Neil Harbisson, discuss the nature or artificiality of an organism and its individual guarantees.
• From the social aspect: the moment where the individual overcomes the collective and begins a separation of identities, where the machine enters debate as an individual and where the algorithms suppose a war of identities between individuals who claim the right to accept his darker instincts.
It is in the digital age, from the twentieth century with the emergence of telecommunications, cybernetics and general theories of information systems, where the evolutionary aspect can be seen in daily life, gradually developing into generations increasingly immersed in its own individuality.
Simultaneously to the digital - where artificial intelligence imitates and reproduces organisms and, specifically, all those human traits that define us as a species - there exists in the biological aspect an approach for the reconstruction and reconfiguration of the body, for the understanding of genetics and the manipulation of it; resulting in a crossroads where the analogous to digital, opening an extensive sea of possibilities.
First, the cyborg conceptually understands the "increase" of human capabilities through prosthetics and all that technology that functions as an extension of the human body or natural cognition that begins to separate in a gap as human capacities reach an irrational level to be considered as an extension. It is in this gap that the new man is born, who will finish discarding all biological nature to become his own. As a result, the body will eventually disappear, and the digital and intangible spaces will become earthly. Life will not be tangible again.
Bubble algorithms are already the central part of a social, biological and anthropological change. The concentration of ideals that offer an approach to the individual over mass collectivity, the generation of closed micro-societies and the guarantee of an unquestionable space for everyone, are the first step towards being a cyborg. The individual explores himself, exalts himself and expands himself. Cultural change is perceived or hidden from the digital monopoly of a few. It is the construction of a pleasure prison from which nobody chooses to leave, generating new infinite worlds for each one and whose limit will be perceived when it is surpassed and there is no turning back, when the human is no longer a human, but an artificiality.
It is then when the concept of artificiality can reconsider and rather be eliminated, since it can be understood as part of the same nature. Everything created by man is part of an evolutionary process to make way for a new link. Artificial intelligence is therefore the last step of Sapiens.
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