Ritual para respirar en el ojo del musgo

Los rituales crean ejes de resonancia

Byung Chul Han

Sí, esta es la entrada, pedimos que tomes la punta del hilo de tu percepción, has ingresado al canal, bienvenidx.

Como visitantx de este mundo lumínico, como visitantx que abre su cuerpo al furor de pixeles y circuitos. Como visitante que abandona la idea de cuerpo asumido, acotado. No hay binarismos, somos las verdes voces de una máquina orgánica,somos movimiento en tus dedos.

Estamos contigo, respiremos.

Ritual to breathe in the moss eye

Rituals create axes of resonance

Byung Chul Han

Yes, this is the entrance, we ask you to take the tip of the thread of your perception, you have entered the channel, welcome.

As a visitor of this luminous world, as a visitor who opens their body to the furor of pixels and circuits. As a visitor who abandons the idea of an assumed, bounded body. There are no binarisms, we are the green voices of an organic machine, we are movement in your fingers.

We are with you, let's breathe.