Art and essays by: Ana NavasAlejandra Muñoz, Mónica López, María De Lourdes MartínezDoreen A. Ríos
Music: Manitas Nerviosas
Curated by: Janet40


Our bedroom is one of the first places where we relate to culture, specifically to media culture. It is the first spae that can be called "our own"; a place where we develop our identities in private and, thanks to technology,  it also represents the spot where we connect with the rest of the world. The link between the bedroom and the individual gains an extra layer in the realm of femininity because we socialize in a different way and it pushed us to spend more time inside this space, being able to express our deepest ideas of discontent and rebellion inside of a safe space. This way we play with our identity and play with the multiple ways of relating to people and objects.

⍨ HE4RTBROKEN X DELORI ⍨ ⍣ ⍤ ⍩ STOCK71 ~ h e a r t b r o k e n mix ❥ ty bbs

HELLO WORLD is a curatorial project envisioned by Paty Siller, co-founder of Janet40, in which she understands art as part of our immediate surroundings, with the intentions of exploring different points of view regarding identity, culture and the ways in which we relate with them.

*Janet40, conformed by Paty Siller and Luis Nava, is a virtual gallery which produces editions and exhibitions focusing on the materialization of digital content. 


Week 109_WTF Is Sinofuturism?


Week 107_Metagame